
Data Recovery

Hard drives can suffer from physical, mechanical hard drive crashes, operating system failure, viruses, or file system corruption. Any one of these instances could easily result in the inability to access your files.

We are well versed with all major hard drive manufacturers such as Western Digital, Seagate, Hitachi, Toshiba etc. With over 20 years experience being firmly based in hard drive data repair and hard drive data recovery services, we are qualified to perform professional, invasive level, Hard Drive Recovery service on all types of hard drives. Whatever you need to have recovered, whether it be priceless photographs, music, videos, QuickBooks data, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, email, your company accounting database. We recover it all!

Our prices

Pricing details for our services

# Service Price Features
1 Inside case Dust cleaning and CPU Thermal paste replacement $50 Open Case, Dust out inside, remove heat sink and reapply thermal paste.
2 Standard computer diagnostics $50 Run system diagnostics and perform simple repairs (Does not go over $50 minimum charge unless authorized)
3 Virus scan and antivirus installation $50 Install Anti-Virus and scan for Rootkits, malware and Virus
4 Data recovery $100Up Data Recover from Desktop, Computers, Laptops, External Hard Drives and Flash Drives. (Even if your computer won’t start)

Unable to work? Your computer freezes?

We’ll help you get back to work. Fast and Qualitatively.