
Desktop repair

Main Street Computers knows how important time is to you, and we know how frustrating it is when your Desktop breaks down. When your PC is out of service, you need fast turnaround and professional service. We respond promptly to phone and email queries, and we’ll have your Computer back in working order at our shop in Petaluma not shipped off for repair. We service all makes, including Microsoft Surface repair, HP laptop and desktop repair, Dell laptop and desktop repair, along with countless other brands like Acer, Dell, HP, Compaq, IBM, Sony, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Gateway or Custom built Systems.

We troubleshoot, diagnose, customize, service, maintain and repair on-site and in-shop all types of Systems with fast turnaround, reliable service and affordable prices.

The $50 minimum charge covers Diagnostics and simple repairs up to 30 minutes and will not go over the $50 minimum charge unless authorized. If it looks like it will go over our minimum, rates for all of our repairs is billed at $100 per hour. Let a professional technician help you find what the problem is and get it resolved.

Our prices

Pricing details for our services

# Service Price Features
1 Inside case Dust cleaning and CPU Thermal paste replacement $50 Open Case, Dust out inside, remove heat sink and reapply thermal paste.
2 Standard computer diagnostics $50 Run system diagnostics and perform simple repairs (Does not go over $50 minimum charge unless authorized, then billed at $100 per Hour)
3 Virus scan and antivirus installation $50 Install Anti-Virus and scan for Rootkits, malware and Virus (Virus Removal Extra)
4 Data recovery $100 Up Data Recover from Desktop, Computers, Laptops, External Hard Drives and Flash Drives. (Even if your computer won’t start)

Unable to work? Your computer freezes?

We’ll help you get back to work. Fast and Qualitatively.