
Virus and Malware Removal

Antivirus software is used to remove malicious programs from your computer and prevent future infection. If you have antivirus software installed on your computer, download the latest virus definitions and security patches and then run a virus scan. If you don’t have antivirus software installed or your antivirus software has expired, We carry Norton Security at a reasonable price.

The following steps will help keep your computer protected from viruses and other malicious programs:

  • Install antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewall programs. Main Street Computers provides Norton Security< Malwarebytes and Spybot Search and Destroy to our customers.
  • Upgrade your operating system to the latest version and set up automatic updates.
  • Create a strong username and password for your online accounts.
  • Check for Rootkits and Backdoors allowing remote control of your computer.
  • Remove Fraud Utilities slowing your computer
  • Remove keyloggers recording everything that you type and then sending it to hackers.

Our prices

Pricing details for our services

# Service Price Features
1 Inside case Dust cleaning and CPU Thermal paste replacement $50 Open Case, Dust out inside, remove heat sink and reapply thermal paste.
2 Standard computer diagnostics $50 Run system diagnostics and perform simple repairs (Does not go over $50 minimum charge unless authorized)
3 Virus scan and antivirus installation $50 Install Anti-Virus and scan for Rootkits, malware and Virus
4 Data recovery $100 Up Data Recover from Desktop, Computers, Laptops, External Hard Drives and Flash Drives. (Even if your computer won’t start)

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